(01424) 439156

1 Paul McLure / 1.15 Locks / 1.30 Elisha Edwards / 1.45 She Choir / 2 The Hastings Cowboy
2.15  The Kukes / 2.30 I am her / 2.45 Sistie Moose / 3 Atomic Twitten / 3.15  Albion Skiffle Company
3.30 Melissa Mia / 3.45 Punk Choir / 4 Errin Colley / 4.15 Bold Reilly / 4.30 Tom Cole & Henry Bristow / 4.45 Panda & the Moniums / 5 Erika Olson / 5.15 Poppy Prescott / 5.30 The Breretons  / 5.45 The Haystingers!